Karlsruhe Nano Micro Facility (KNMFi)


ConditionsAccess to KNMF is granted according to the user guidelines.

  • Public work is free of charge and will be evaluated by an independent peer review board. The obtained results have to be published in high impact journals. Proposals must be received by submission deadlines.
  • Proprietary work is based on full cost recovery and will not be peer reviewed. The obtained results are treated confidentially and will not be published. Proposals can be submitted to any time.

Proposers from academia and industry either national, transnational European or international can apply for access to KNMF installations.

Please note that no staff of a Helmholtz Association (HGF) member organisation are eligible to submit a KNMF proposal or be nominated as co-proposers to avoid conflicts of interest.



ClockPlease note our submission deadlines for public proposals.

  • January, 15th each year
  • June, 15th each year